Smarter Habitat – Sustainable building materials for the construction industry
“Smarter Habitat” is our pioneering project that is driving forward the development of green, high-quality building materials for the construction industry. We use natural fibers and resins to produce an ultra-strong, water-, heat- and pest-resistant building material that meets the requirements of modern construction projects. These sustainable materials are not only robust, but also environmentally friendly, as they reduce the use of traditional, less sustainable building materials. With Smarter Habitat, we strive to promote a sustainable construction industry and shape a greener future. To the Smarter Habitat Homepage
MicroStream – a powerful alternative to traditional persistence technologies for Java applications
Microstream offers a future-oriented technology for High-Frequency Data Processing In Memory. Business applications become up to 1,000 times faster and the costs for programming, maintenance and operation are reduced by up to 96%. With Microstream/Ecplise Store, the use of complex conventional databases becomes obsolete. To the Microstream Homepage
DUKRA agro – a leading agricultural company in Ukraine
DUKRA AGRO has been an important player on the Ukrainian agricultural market for 20 years. The company cultivates around 4,000 hectares in the municipalities of Mankivska, Talnivska and Dmytrushkivska in the Cherkasy region and focuses on the cultivation of grain, oilseeds and sugar beet. The focus of DUKRA agro is on plant production. With the support of DUKRA agro GmbH, the German Agricultural Center (DAZ) cooperated closely with the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany) in the village of Potash, Mankivka district, from 2008 to 2015. This collaboration enabled more than 10,000 participants to take part in training courses in the latest agricultural technologies between 2009 and 2015. More about DUKRA agro